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Saturday, 12 December 2015

BTL Vanquish my fats away please......

I've tried everything, from exercising, sit-ups, slimming creams to diet but I could NEVER get rid of my tummy fats. Frankly, I'm not fat anymore , I've lost all my excess fats successfully with panbesy & duromine ,so WHY do I still have a tummy? A friend recommended me this Vanquish treatment & she swear by it.

The Good thing about this BTL Vanquish treatment :
1. It uses radio frequency, so it's just heat, very comfortable
2. There's no pain
3. No downtime
4.The machine itself is designed to target the entire abdominal area, so it can seriously 'get' all your tummy fats!
5. Results are proven, it shapes, remove fats & volume reduction
6. It's affordable, my doc only charges $300 per session

Impressive right? I thought so too :))
 Yesterday was my first treatment. I went back to Dr Keith Ong. The treatment lasted for about 40 mins. During the treatment I felt the heat & no pain. Daydream for the next 40 mins or so My friend said she almost  slept during her session! After that, instructions was given to drink lots of water. Which I have been doing. Since yesterday the skin beneath the area being treated feels a little bumpy. But It's not painful, & not visible.

I called the clinic & the nurses assure me, it's normal & was advice to massage it a little. I did & it felt better. Well I think it's the fats being broken down. I felt a little tired too. That's probably why they stressed on drinking more water. Externally there's no changes, no bruising. No down time.
Can't wait to see results.

I've bought the package of 6 sessions at $1500

If you are interested this is the contact:

Dr Keith Ong @ 360 Orchard, International Building
# 04-10
H/P:  8777-0736
Open from:
 Monday & Friday    : 10am-1pm & 3pm-8pm
Tuesday &Wednesday  : 3pm to 8pm
Saturday: 10am -1pm
Sun & PH close.


  1. Hi Trinity. I have a small tummy & i seriously hated it. You think I can get rid of it with only 1 session of this BTL Vanquish treatment? Hope you reply soon, thanks.

    1. Hi Anastasia, I guess it really depends on how small it is. I suppose if it's really small it could be done. But for normal cases, that's people with more fats, it's recommended to do Vanquish for 6 times.It's comfortable so I dont mind

  2. I WANT a flat tummy
